Our Mission

Diné Bizaad Be Náásgóó Oodááł. 

Náásgóó nihaʼáłchíní Diné bizaad dóó beeʼeʼoolʼįįł bił danilį́į dooleeł dóó yee hadadítʼéii dooleeł.

Our Mission is to perpetuate and preserve the Navajo  language in Navajo Nation schools and to provide a forum for  teachers of the Navajo language to share knowledge.T he Diné Language Teacher Association (DLTA) is an organization which  supports teachers and students of Diné language and culture. The organization  also invites other individuals who have strong interests in our Diné language.  The DLTA holds several meetings throughout the year to share Diné language  teaching activities and to participate in discussions which may include all or  some of the following topics: educational issues, linguistic issues, sociolinguistic issues, and spiritual & cultural issues.

We Work in Four Areas

  • Educational Issues

    • Diné language teachers’ goals and needs 

    • Pedagogical applications concerning Diné language and  culture 

    • Teaching Diné as a first and second language

    • Training Diné language teachers

  • Linguistic Issues

    • Topics concerned with Diné linguistics 

    • Lexicography in the development of the Diné language

    • Outstanding works in Diné language studies

  • Spiritual and Cultural Issues

    • Spiritual guidance and support in language and culture  instruction 

    • Diné literature, poetry, songs and prayers

  • Sociolinguistic Issues

    • Diné language planning for the future; language  revitalization 

    • Diné language in government, law, medicine, economics,  journalism and science

Hózhǫ́ǫ́jíkʼehgo Naʼnitin Blessing Way Teachings

  • Há áhwiinítʼį́

    Be generous and kind

  • Kʼézhnídzin

    Acknowledge and respect kinship and clanship

  • Hane’zhdindzin

    Seek traditional knowledge and traditions

  • Ádáhozhdílzin

    Respect the sacred nature of the self

  • Hwiłʼílį́

    Respect values